Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Life Instant

Dear Friends and Noble Ambassadors Of Camelot Castle,

We are so blessed at Camelot Castle everyday to experience the creativity that this project and mystic location both attracts and catalyses. But today TWO sources and products of creativity presented themselves to us and while each of them is completely unique and of it own priceless quality, both harmonised, and so we are presenting them both to you to consider in one message at this "Life Instant."

The first is Ted Stourton's very latest portfolio of 20 paintings that we are TODAY offering for sale to his collectors.

It is a brand new look at creation and is titled simply "FLOWERS"

You can see those new paintings HERE: http://web.me.com/camelotcastle/Teds_Flowers

The second was a piece of creative writing that is as far as we are concerned is simply the best piece of creative writing that we have experienced in a very long while. Titled "The Life Instant" it has been penned this month by one of America's most talented writers - Russell Salamon. You may be familiar with some of his poems.

But here below for you is "THE LIFE INSTANT"

Once you have seen both of these creations of, in our opinion, outstanding and stellar ability.... we actually have a two questions for you that intimately concern YOUR creativity and YOUR freedom......you will find these questions for you at the end of this mail...... but don't jump to the end.....enjoy.....


Two kinds of awareness have come in from out in the snow, dropped off their boots in the foyer and sit with me by the fireplace getting profound--they were feeling lost in the jabber and assertions of time and history of stones and brickwork of fortresses and soaring cathedrals.

The first reality dropped his load of bricks first thing and said, "Ugh, must I be so real, so solid, so permanent? I want to be a blizzard of cherry blossoms, maybe with bees in my petals. I feel ponderous and locked in eternal time. The only fun I have is when the river floods and erodes a few of my layers of sand, then I feel lighter and I enjoy the new curves until the next flood.

"I don't know what to tell you Rocky," I say. "It's how we set it up, by neglect probably, no consideration given to the emotions of stones--besides you didn't say anything for eons and eons."

"I have been screaming daily but you have no stone ears; you have shut off you god senses--the whole universe is screaming, 'Release us from time.' You are stone deaf."

And the other awareness was a Lady dressed in folds of light and strange presence in no time. I could barely see her like sensing the life in magnolia petals--a coruscation of light and river water. She was a breath of looking as a child newly found: herself in the life instant.

"And that is where life is and if you are going to love me it must be this instant. I have no time, I will not go with you except here and here and here for as long as we are interested in placing our joys and laughters--yes, pain too. This is where the culture is: in the living moments. Your body breathes to keep you company, to stretch the instant into seasons and decades. You must find someone to dance the time dance with. Time is not solid in loving eyes"

"My stone bones ache to hear you speak like this. Fine for you that time is at the not-yet-existent starting edge of growth. Everything is a thought of seeds with you--all potential at the start of god. But what about abandoned time in the cliffs and deserts and the agony of water never finding a moment of rest, vapor, steam, ice, rain, deluges of snow melting--how I love the floods--and my brain washes down to the plains, but we are still solid and the breath of god plays before time, before it places itself near someone to love."

And the Lady, "You were once the unseen music of unseen spheres of being. You were once the assemblies of angels before they lost their minds and began to make solid time with no control of its duration--it became eternal by abandonment. Irresponsible soul machines make time." A dark flash passed through her invisible pink space, maybe a disdain. She saw that I noticed it.

"They keep bringing darkness and hooking it up to interest in darkness. Opposites are attractive to each other. Not to me; I am before the dichotomies. I am the whole nothing of god. I do not need to make energy which is what good and evil do. They are electronic machines, always flashing wars at each other. I am not space, therefore nothing can happen in me that I do not choose to make visible."

Rocky looked uncomfortable. "But you are not real. You must have some mass so you can be seen, held, caressed, loved, crushed by floods, earthquakes, the bombs' red glare, the joyous incineration of armies winning and losing their locations and bodies. Don't you want to exist as someone real?"

"Real is popular, but it is already too far into solid time. I am the first instant of the decision to be me--the invented moment of self, the birth of god, and there are many eternities still ahead before I consider being a drop of water or a breath of fragrant air. I feel just fine wanting you alive and holding you close in my no space and no knowledge of being. We are always before the beginning. We send out atoms to mark out galaxies and we smash fire into stars and crush them with deep wells of gravity. But we have no location in any star of planet or body, except by choice. Then the stars are hot indeed and the planets heavy with crushed time brains."

I was beginning to be hungry, all this talk of being and not being and time and no time. "What about a roast beef sandwich? Or maybe brittle yeast tea with mulled mead wine?"

"Oh, that would be fine, thank you." And she faded on, still mostly transparent, her body began to show lungs and stomach and esophagus, luminous thighs and long legs with thin golden sandals on her now appearing feet.

"Oh, that's handy, I wish I could do that." said Rocky. I was not exactly startled, but awed by the supernal beauty of her form. "I see your head is spinning. It is your beauty too; you are just not used to it. Rocky, you can un-be anything you are being. Come, step out of that stone idea of yourself you are carrying around in pretended eternal time you so much oppose. Now, yes, like that."

"Oh, my black soul. Oh, my green energy of sunlit hills, oh by lost springtime streams and wildflower meadows, what is this? Am I also life? Can I tell this to the stones?" He picked up a brick and took a bite. "What a marvelous dark chocolate flavor! I have eaten nothing for trillions of years. Thank you. How did you release me from my form?"

"I asked you to un-be. It is the hidden part of your freedom. Time is a fierce desire to be anything and everything. But beings have forgotten how not to be. I prefer not being from the front end before I step into the assured belief in spaces and forests, but I am not against a roast beef sandwich and mulled mead. May I have a glass of wind currents also?"

Then we got interested in flavours of cheese and plums and green onions, and pasta, and soon we had countries branching out from the no moment of our presences--and mountain ranges, with ice for black tea and emerald sea waves. "I am creating everything in your mind. Do you see it?" she asked. "Yes, I see it." I said. And Rocky, still marvelling, said, "Oh my darkness , oh my seagoing ribs, oh my found cattle farms and rows of green corn stalks rasping against wind, the sun descending into western mountains. Oh my planet, where is the dance floor? I have thunder in my stone boots." And the Lady flowed the appearance of a sturdy wooden floor, took his hand and leaned back away from his arms and let him swing her in and out of time on a cresting wave of giggles, a splash of lifting light, like dawn rising, she swung us away from the fireplace and into the crackling bright air of no time.

Russell Salamon
February 6, 2011

Here are your questions.....

1. This Life Instant, what will you un-be?

2. This Life Instant, what will you be?

All our love from Camelot Castle and remember this....the creative source that is most interesting to us is YOU....

We hope to see you soon and welcome you again to our home....and please forward this and all the good news from Camelot Castle to your friends.

John, Irina and Ted

Camelot Castle Hotel Blog

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